Monday, October 09, 2006

SEW CHICK EPISODE 3: "Quilting and Shipping and Shows, Oh My!"

Explore art quilting with Sew Chick!

It's that time of year, when art quilters everywhere prepare to send their submissions and/or quilts out into the world as a part of participating in shows. If you're like Sew Chick, you're always a "little" worried when sending your pieces out. Will the carrier lose it? What if it doesn't make it? What to do?

Sew Chick talks about how to get ready for them and how art quilters also have to consider the creation of a body of work.

Have a favorite way of shipping your quilts? Drop a note to and you might hear them read on a future episode of Sew Chick! Or, share your own thoughts on art quilting by leaving Sew Chick a message or comment. Not only do you get to enjoy 2 minutes of fame, but your comments could be aired on the show!

DOWNLOAD Sew Chick now (00:10:12)
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Tuesday, August 15, 2006

SEW CHICK EPISODE 2: "Get Past, Get Beyond, and Get Creating!""

Explore art quilting with Sew Chick!

What does every art quilter suffer from sometimes? Nagging thoughts and fears about our work, procrastination, self-doubt, even envy. The emotional battles we face inside as artists can affect our ability to create on the outside. We've all fallen prey to these negative thoughts, but how can we overcome them?

Sew Chick tackles those issues and how to move past them with psychologist Dr. Cynthia Sparrow of Washington, D.C. as she takes on clutter, dealing with rejection, entering shows, identity, and the green-eyed monster.

Do you have quilting-emotional questions that you'd like answered? Email them to and you might hear them answered in a future "Ask Doc Sparrow" segment in the future!

How do you deal with these issues yourself? Share your own thoughts on art quilting by leaving Sew Chick a message or comment. Not only do you get to enjoy 2 minutes of fame, but your comments could be aired on the show!

DOWNLOAD Sew Chick mp3 now (00:13:23)
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Sunday, July 30, 2006

SEW CHICK EPISODE 1: "Who Says You're Not An Artist?!"

Join the fun with Sew Chick's first episode!

What is art quilting? Sew Chick tries to answer that question and quell the debate as she tells how she got into art quilting. She also takes listeners to a meeting of the Art Sewciety, a local art quilting group, during their foray into the technique of bleach discharging.

Share your own thoughts on art quilting by leaving Sew Chick a message. Not only do you get to enjoy 2 minutes of fame, but your comments could be aired on the show!

DOWNLOAD Sew Chick mp3 now (00:13:23)
ADD THIS FEED to your RSS reader!

Friday, July 21, 2006


Welcome to Sew Chick Art Quilt Adventurer: The Podcast! Join me as we explore the art quilting world.

Stay tuned as more is coming very, very soon!

Oooo...can ya feel the excitement?!